Happy Holidays!!!

Your Unframed Painting Fragile and requires Delicate Handling.

Please have your artwork professionally framed immediately.


  • Most Importantly: Please never touch the surface of the painting. It will smudge
  • Never “knock” the painting. This will cause Pastel pigment to fall and create a dirty appearance over the artwork.
  • Please do not spray any fixative over the painting. There are no fixatives used on this painting. Fixative will darken and change the artwork appearance.
  • Please do not hang your artwork in direct/bright sunlight, this will fade the color.


  • Keep the painting covered with the Glassine paper that is taped over the top. This will prevent fingers, sneezes, and dust contacting the painting before framing.
  • Ensure your framer is familiar with Pastel Artwork. Ensure they frame with GLASS.
    No plexiglass or acrylic; these create static which will pull the pigment off the painting.
  • Ensure your framer adds spacers when framing to prevent the artwork from touching the glass. Pastel particles will stick to the glass if they touch. Spacers also provide a ‘gutter’ gap for loose pastel dust to fall, keeping the mat clean.


Note: The black mounting mat can be trimmed by your framer to whatever size necessary. It’s intended to keep your portrait flat, sturdy, and provide a place for you to hold it from.